1: <?php
2: /**
3: * DataTables PHP libraries.
4: *
5: * PHP libraries for DataTables and DataTables Editor, utilising PHP 5.3+.
6: *
7: * @author SpryMedia
8: * @copyright 2012 SpryMedia ( http://sprymedia.co.uk )
9: * @license http://editor.datatables.net/license DataTables Editor
10: * @link http://editor.datatables.net
11: */
13: namespace DataTables\Editor;
14: if (!defined('DATATABLES')) exit();
16: use
17: DataTables,
18: DataTables\Editor,
19: DataTables\Editor\Field;
22: /**
23: * Join table class for DataTables Editor.
24: *
25: * The Join class can be used with {@link Editor::join} to allow Editor to
26: * obtain joined information from the database.
27: *
28: * For an overview of how Join tables work, please refer to the
29: * {@link https://editor.datatables.net/manual/php/ Editor manual} as it is
30: * useful to understand how this class represents the links between tables,
31: * before fully getting to grips with it's API.
32: *
33: * @example
34: * Join the parent table (the one specified in the {@link Editor::table}
35: * method) with the table *access*, with a link table *user__access*, which
36: * allows multiple properties to be found for each row in the parent table.
37: * <code>
38: * Join::inst( 'access', 'array' )
39: * ->link( 'users.id', 'user_access.user_id' )
40: * ->link( 'access.id', 'user_access.access_id' )
41: * ->field(
42: * Field::inst( 'id' )->validator( 'Validate::required' ),
43: * Field::inst( 'name' )
44: * )
45: * </code>
46: *
47: * @example
48: * Single row join - here we join the parent table with a single row in
49: * the child table, without an intermediate link table. In this case the
50: * child table is called *extra* and the two fields give the columns that
51: * Editor will read from that table.
52: * <code>
53: * Join::inst( 'extra', 'object' )
54: * ->link( 'user.id', 'extra.user_id' )
55: * ->field(
56: * Field::inst( 'comments' ),
57: * Field::inst( 'review' )
58: * )
59: * </code>
60: */
61: class Join extends DataTables\Ext {
62: /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
63: * Constructor
64: */
66: /**
67: * Join instance constructor.
68: * @param string $table Table name to get the joined data from.
69: * @param string $type Work with a single result ('object') or an array of
70: * results ('array') for the join.
71: */
72: function __construct( $table=null, $type='object' )
73: {
74: $this->table( $table );
75: $this->type( $type );
76: }
79: /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
80: * Private properties
81: */
83: /** @var DataTables\Editor\Field[] */
84: private $_fields = array();
86: /** @var array */
87: private $_join = array(
88: "parent" => null,
89: "child" => null,
90: "table" => null
91: );
93: /** @var string */
94: private $_table = null;
96: /** @var string */
97: private $_type = null;
99: /** @var string */
100: private $_name = null;
102: /** @var boolean */
103: private $_get = true;
105: /** @var boolean */
106: private $_set = true;
108: /** @var string */
109: private $_aliasParentTable = null;
111: /** @var array */
112: private $_where = array();
114: /** @var boolean */
115: private $_whereSet = false;
117: /** @var array */
118: private $_links = array();
120: /** @var string */
121: private $_customOrder = null;
123: /** @var callable[] */
124: private $_validators = array();
127: /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
128: * Public methods
129: */
131: /**
132: * Get / set parent table alias.
133: *
134: * When working with a self referencing table (i.e. a column in the table contains
135: * a primary key value from its own table) it can be useful to set an alias on the
136: * parent table's name, allowing a self referencing Join. For example:
137: * <code>
138: * SELECT p2.publisher
139: * FROM publisher as p2
140: * JOIN publisher on (publisher.idPublisher = p2.idPublisher)
141: * <code>
142: * Where, in this case, `publisher` is the table that is used by the Editor instance,
143: * and you want to use `Join` to link back to the table (resolving a name for example).
144: * This method allows that alias to be set. Fields can then use standard SQL notation
145: * to select a field, for example `p2.publisher` or `publisher.publisher`.
146: * @param string $_ Table alias to use
147: * @return string|self Table alias set (which is null by default), or self if used as
148: * a setter.
149: */
150: public function aliasParentTable ( $_=null )
151: {
152: return $this->_getSet( $this->_aliasParentTable, $_ );
153: }
156: /**
157: * Get / set field instances.
158: *
159: * The list of fields designates which columns in the table that will be read
160: * from the joined table.
161: * @param Field $_... Instances of the {@link Field} class, given as a single
162: * instance of {@link Field}, an array of {@link Field} instances, or multiple
163: * {@link Field} instance parameters for the function.
164: * @return Field[]|self Array of fields, or self if used as a setter.
165: * @see {@link Field} for field documentation.
166: */
167: public function field ( $_=null )
168: {
169: if ( $_ !== null && !is_array($_) ) {
170: $_ = func_get_args();
171: }
172: return $this->_getSet( $this->_fields, $_, true );
173: }
176: /**
177: * Get / set field instances.
178: *
179: * An alias of {@link field}, for convenience.
180: * @param Field $_... Instances of the {@link Field} class, given as a single
181: * instance of {@link Field}, an array of {@link Field} instances, or multiple
182: * {@link Field} instance parameters for the function.
183: * @return Field[]|self Array of fields, or self if used as a setter.
184: * @see {@link Field} for field documentation.
185: */
186: public function fields ( $_=null )
187: {
188: if ( $_ !== null && !is_array($_) ) {
189: $_ = func_get_args();
190: }
191: return $this->_getSet( $this->_fields, $_, true );
192: }
195: /**
196: * Get / set get attribute.
197: *
198: * When set to false no read operations will occur on the join tables.
199: * @param boolean $_ Value
200: * @return boolean|self Name
201: */
202: public function get ( $_=null )
203: {
204: return $this->_getSet( $this->_get, $_ );
205: }
208: /**
209: * Get / set join properties.
210: *
211: * Define how the SQL will be performed, on what columns. There are
212: * basically two types of join that are supported by Editor here, a direct
213: * foreign key reference in the join table to the parent table's primary
214: * key, or a link table that contains just primary keys for the parent and
215: * child tables (this approach is usually used with a {@link type} of
216: * 'array' since you can often have multiple links between the two tables,
217: * while a direct foreign key reference will typically use a type of
218: * 'object' (i.e. a single entry).
219: *
220: * @param string|string[] $parent Parent table's primary key names. If used
221: * with a link table (i.e. third parameter to this method is given, then
222: * an array should be used, with the first element being the pkey's name
223: * in the parent table, and the second element being the key's name in
224: * the link table.
225: * @param string|string[] $child Child table's primary key names. If used
226: * with a link table (i.e. third parameter to this method is given, then
227: * an array should be used, with the first element being the pkey's name
228: * in the child table, and the second element being the key's name in the
229: * link table.
230: * @param string $table Join table name, if using a link table
231: * @returns Join This for chaining
232: * @deprecated 1.5 Please use the {@link link} method rather than this
233: * method now.
234: */
235: public function join ( $parent=null, $child=null, $table=null )
236: {
237: if ( $parent === null && $child === null ) {
238: return $this->_join;
239: }
241: $this->_join['parent'] = $parent;
242: $this->_join['child'] = $child;
243: $this->_join['table'] = $table;
244: return $this;
245: }
248: /**
249: * Create a join link between two tables. The order of the fields does not
250: * matter, but each field must contain the table name as well as the field
251: * name.
252: *
253: * This method can be called a maximum of two times for an Mjoin instance:
254: *
255: * * First time, creates a link between the Editor host table and a join
256: * table
257: * * Second time creates the links required for a link table.
258: *
259: * Please refer to the Editor Mjoin documentation for further details:
260: * https://editor.datatables.net/manual/php
261: *
262: * @param string $field1 Table and field name
263: * @param string $field2 Table and field name
264: * @return Join Self for chaining
265: * @throws \Exception Link limitations
266: */
267: public function link ( $field1, $field2 )
268: {
269: if ( strpos($field1, '.') === false || strpos($field2, '.') === false ) {
270: throw new \Exception("Link fields must contain both the table name and the column name");
271: }
273: if ( count( $this->_links ) >= 4 ) {
274: throw new \Exception("Link method cannot be called more than twice for a single instance");
275: }
277: $this->_links[] = $field1;
278: $this->_links[] = $field2;
280: return $this;
281: }
284: /**
285: * Specify the property that the data will be sorted by.
286: *
287: * @param string $order SQL column name to order the data by
288: * @return Join Self for chaining
289: */
290: public function order ( $_=null )
291: {
292: // How this works is by setting the SQL order by clause, and since the
293: // join that is done in PHP is always done sequentially, the order is
294: // retained.
295: return $this->_getSet( $this->_customOrder, $_ );
296: }
299: /**
300: * Get / set name.
301: *
302: * The `name` of the Join is the JSON property key that is used when
303: * 'getting' the data, and the HTTP property key (in a JSON style) when
304: * 'setting' data. Typically the name of the db table will be used here,
305: * but this method allows that to be overridden.
306: * @param string $_ Field name
307: * @return String|self Name
308: */
309: public function name ( $_=null )
310: {
311: return $this->_getSet( $this->_name, $_ );
312: }
315: /**
316: * Get / set set attribute.
317: *
318: * When set to false no write operations will occur on the join tables.
319: * This can be useful when you want to display information which is joined,
320: * but want to only perform write operations on the parent table.
321: * @param boolean $_ Value
322: * @return boolean|self Name
323: */
324: public function set ( $_=null )
325: {
326: return $this->_getSet( $this->_set, $_ );
327: }
330: /**
331: * Get / set join table name.
332: *
333: * Please note that this will also set the {@link name} used by the Join
334: * as well. This is for convenience as the JSON output / HTTP input will
335: * typically use the same name as the database name. If you want to set a
336: * custom name, the {@link name} method must be called ***after*** this one.
337: * @param string $_ Name of the table to read the join data from
338: * @return String|self Name of the join table, or self if used as a setter.
339: */
340: public function table ( $_=null )
341: {
342: if ( $_ !== null ) {
343: $this->_name = $_;
344: }
345: return $this->_getSet( $this->_table, $_ );
346: }
349: /**
350: * Get / set the join type.
351: *
352: * The join type allows the data that is returned from the join to be given
353: * as an array (i.e. working with multiple possibly results for each record from
354: * the parent table), or as an object (i.e. working which one and only one result
355: * for each record form the parent table).
356: * @param string $_ Join type ('object') or an array of
357: * results ('array') for the join.
358: * @return String|self Join type, or self if used as a setter.
359: */
360: public function type ( $_=null )
361: {
362: return $this->_getSet( $this->_type, $_ );
363: }
366: /**
367: * Set a validator for the array of data (not on a field basis)
368: *
369: * @param string $fieldName Name of the field that any error should be shown
370: * against on the client-side
371: * @param callable $fn Callback function for validation
372: * @return self Chainable
373: */
374: public function validator ( $fieldName, $fn )
375: {
376: $this->_validators[] = array(
377: 'fieldName' => $fieldName,
378: 'fn' => $fn
379: );
381: return $this;
382: }
385: /**
386: * Where condition to add to the query used to get data from the database.
387: * Note that this is applied to the child table.
388: *
389: * Can be used in two different ways:
390: *
391: * * Simple case: `where( field, value, operator )`
392: * * Complex: `where( fn )`
393: *
394: * @param string|callable $key Single field name or a closure function
395: * @param string|string[] $value Single field value, or an array of values.
396: * @param string $op Condition operator: <, >, = etc
397: * @return string[]|self Where condition array, or self if used as a setter.
398: */
399: public function where ( $key=null, $value=null, $op='=' )
400: {
401: if ( $key === null ) {
402: return $this->_where;
403: }
405: if ( is_callable($key) && is_object($key) ) {
406: $this->_where[] = $key;
407: }
408: else {
409: $this->_where[] = array(
410: "key" => $key,
411: "value" => $value,
412: "op" => $op
413: );
414: }
416: return $this;
417: }
420: /**
421: * Get / set if the WHERE conditions should be included in the create and
422: * edit actions.
423: *
424: * This means that the fields which have been used as part of the 'get'
425: * WHERE condition (using the `where()` method) will be set as the values
426: * given.
427: *
428: * This is default false (i.e. they are not included).
429: *
430: * @param boolean $_ Include (`true`), or not (`false`)
431: * @return boolean Current value
432: */
433: public function whereSet ( $_=null )
434: {
435: return $this->_getSet( $this->_whereSet, $_ );
436: }
440: /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
441: * Internal methods
442: */
444: /**
445: * Get data
446: * @param Editor $editor Host Editor instance
447: * @param string[] $data Data from the parent table's get and were we need
448: * to add out output.
449: * @param array $options options array for fields
450: * @internal
451: */
452: public function data( $editor, &$data, &$options )
453: {
454: if ( ! $this->_get ) {
455: return;
456: }
458: $this->_prep( $editor );
459: $db = $editor->db();
460: $dteTable = $editor->table();
461: $pkey = $editor->pkey();
462: $idPrefix = $editor->idPrefix();
464: $dteTable = $dteTable[0];
465: if ( strpos($dteTable, ' as ') !== false ) {
466: $arr = explode(' as ', $dteTable);
467: $dteTable = $arr[0];
468: $this->_aliasParentTable = $arr[1];
469: }
471: $dteTableLocal = $this->_aliasParentTable ? // Can be aliased to allow a self join
472: $this->_aliasParentTable :
473: $dteTable;
474: $joinField = isset($this->_join['table']) ?
475: $this->_join['parent'][0] :
476: $this->_join['parent'];
478: // This is something that will likely come in a future version, but it
479: // is a relatively low use feature. Please get in touch if this is
480: // something you require.
481: if ( count( $pkey ) > 1 ) {
482: throw new \Exception("MJoin is not currently supported with a compound primary key for the main table", 1);
483: }
485: if ( count($data) > 0 ) {
486: $pkey = $pkey[0];
487: $pkeyIsJoin = $pkey === $joinField || $pkey === $dteTableLocal.'.'.$joinField;
489: // Sanity check that table selector fields are read only, and have an name without
490: // a dot (for DataTables mData to be able to read it)
491: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_fields) ; $i++ ) {
492: $field = $this->_fields[$i];
494: if ( strpos( $field->dbField() , "." ) !== false ) {
495: if ( $field->set() !== Field::SET_NONE && $this->_set ) {
496: echo json_encode( array(
497: "sError" => "Table selected fields (i.e. '{table}.{column}') in `Join` ".
498: "must be read only. Use `set(false)` for the field to disable writing."
499: ) );
500: exit(0);
501: }
503: if ( strpos( $field->name() , "." ) !== false ) {
504: echo json_encode( array(
505: "sError" => "Table selected fields (i.e. '{table}.{column}') in `Join` ".
506: "must have a name alias which does not contain a period ('.'). Use ".
507: "name('---') to set a name for the field"
508: ) );
509: exit(0);
510: }
511: }
512: }
514: // Set up the JOIN query
515: $stmt = $db
516: ->query( 'select' )
517: ->distinct( true )
518: ->get( $dteTableLocal.'.'.$joinField.' as dteditor_pkey' )
519: ->get( $this->_fields('get') )
520: ->table( $dteTable .' as '. $dteTableLocal );
522: if ( $this->order() ) {
523: $stmt->order( $this->order() );
524: }
526: $this->_apply_where( $stmt );
528: if ( isset($this->_join['table']) ) {
529: // Working with a link table
530: $stmt
531: ->join(
532: $this->_join['table'],
533: $dteTableLocal.'.'.$this->_join['parent'][0] .' = '. $this->_join['table'].'.'.$this->_join['parent'][1]
534: )
535: ->join(
536: $this->_table,
537: $this->_table.'.'.$this->_join['child'][0] .' = '. $this->_join['table'].'.'.$this->_join['child'][1]
538: );
539: }
540: else {
541: // No link table in the middle
542: $stmt
543: ->join(
544: $this->_table,
545: $this->_table.'.'.$this->_join['child'] .' = '. $dteTableLocal.'.'.$this->_join['parent']
546: );
547: }
549: // Check that the joining field is available. The joining key can
550: // come from the Editor instance's primary key, or any other field,
551: // including a nested value (from a left join). If the instance's
552: // pkey, then we've got that in the DT_RowId parameter, so we can
553: // use that. Otherwise, the key must be in the field list.
554: if ( $this->_propExists( $dteTable.'.'.$joinField, $data[0] ) ) {
555: $readField = $dteTable.'.'.$joinField;
556: }
557: else if ( $this->_propExists( $joinField, $data[0] ) ) {
558: $readField = $joinField;
559: }
560: else if ( ! $pkeyIsJoin ) {
561: echo json_encode( array(
562: "sError" => "Join was performed on the field '{$joinField}' which was not "
563: ."included in the Editor field list. The join field must be included "
564: ."as a regular field in the Editor instance."
565: ) );
566: exit(0);
567: }
569: // Get list of pkey values and apply as a WHERE IN condition
570: // This is primarily useful in server-side processing mode and when filtering
571: // the table as it means only a sub-set will be selected
572: // This is only applied for "sensible" data sets. It will just complicate
573: // matters for really large data sets:
574: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21178390/in-clause-limitation-in-sql-server
575: if ( count($data) < 1000 ) {
576: $whereIn = array();
578: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($data) ; $i++ ) {
579: $whereIn[] = $pkeyIsJoin ?
580: str_replace( $idPrefix, '', $data[$i]['DT_RowId'] ) :
581: $this->_readProp( $readField, $data[$i] );
582: }
584: $stmt->where_in( $dteTableLocal.'.'.$joinField, $whereIn );
585: }
587: // Go!
588: $res = $stmt->exec();
589: if ( ! $res ) {
590: return;
591: }
593: // Map to primary key for fast lookup
594: $join = array();
595: while ( $row=$res->fetch() ) {
596: $inner = array();
598: for ( $j=0 ; $j<count($this->_fields) ; $j++ ) {
599: $field = $this->_fields[$j];
600: if ( $field->apply('get') ) {
601: $inner[ $field->name() ] = $field->val('get', $row);
602: }
603: }
605: if ( $this->_type === 'object' ) {
606: $join[ $row['dteditor_pkey'] ] = $inner;
607: }
608: else {
609: if ( !isset( $join[ $row['dteditor_pkey'] ] ) ) {
610: $join[ $row['dteditor_pkey'] ] = array();
611: }
612: $join[ $row['dteditor_pkey'] ][] = $inner;
613: }
614: }
616: // Loop over the data and do a join based on the data available
617: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($data) ; $i++ ) {
618: $rowPKey = $pkeyIsJoin ?
619: str_replace( $idPrefix, '', $data[$i]['DT_RowId'] ) :
620: $this->_readProp( $readField, $data[$i] );
622: if ( isset( $join[$rowPKey] ) ) {
623: $data[$i][ $this->_name ] = $join[$rowPKey];
624: }
625: else {
626: $data[$i][ $this->_name ] = ($this->_type === 'object') ?
627: (object)array() : array();
628: }
629: }
630: }
632: // Field options
633: foreach ($this->_fields as $field) {
634: $opts = $field->optionsExec( $db );
636: if ( $opts !== false ) {
637: $name = $this->name().
638: ($this->_type === 'object' ? '.' : '[].').
639: $field->name();
640: $options[ $name ] = $opts;
641: }
642: }
643: }
646: /**
647: * Create a row.
648: * @param Editor $editor Host Editor instance
649: * @param int $parentId Parent row's primary key value
650: * @param string[] $data Data to be set for the join
651: * @internal
652: */
653: public function create ( $editor, $parentId, $data )
654: {
655: // If not settable, or the many count for the join was not submitted
656: // there we do nothing
657: if (
658: ! $this->_set ||
659: ! isset($data[$this->_name]) ||
660: ! isset($data[$this->_name.'-many-count'])
661: ) {
662: return;
663: }
665: $this->_prep( $editor );
666: $db = $editor->db();
668: if ( $this->_type === 'object' ) {
669: $this->_insert( $db, $parentId, $data[$this->_name] );
670: }
671: else {
672: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($data[$this->_name]) ; $i++ ) {
673: $this->_insert( $db, $parentId, $data[$this->_name][$i] );
674: }
675: }
676: }
679: /**
680: * Update a row.
681: * @param Editor $editor Host Editor instance
682: * @param int $parentId Parent row's primary key value
683: * @param string[] $data Data to be set for the join
684: * @internal
685: */
686: public function update ( $editor, $parentId, $data )
687: {
688: // If not settable, or the many count for the join was not submitted
689: // there we do nothing
690: if ( ! $this->_set || ! isset($data[$this->_name.'-many-count']) ) {
691: return;
692: }
694: $this->_prep( $editor );
695: $db = $editor->db();
697: if ( $this->_type === 'object' ) {
698: // update or insert
699: $this->_update_row( $db, $parentId, $data[$this->_name] );
700: }
701: else {
702: // WARNING - this will remove rows and then readd them. Any
703: // data not in the field list WILL BE LOST
704: // todo - is there a better way of doing this?
705: $this->remove( $editor, array($parentId) );
706: $this->create( $editor, $parentId, $data );
707: }
708: }
711: /**
712: * Delete rows
713: * @param Editor $editor Host Editor instance
714: * @param int[] $ids Parent row IDs to delete
715: * @internal
716: */
717: public function remove ( $editor, $ids )
718: {
719: if ( ! $this->_set ) {
720: return;
721: }
723: $that = $this;
724: $this->_prep( $editor );
725: $db = $editor->db();
727: if ( isset($this->_join['table']) ) {
728: $stmt = $db
729: ->query( 'delete' )
730: ->table( $this->_join['table'] )
731: ->or_where( $this->_join['parent'][1], $ids )
732: ->exec();
733: }
734: else {
735: $stmt = $db
736: ->query( 'delete' )
737: ->table( $this->_table )
738: ->where_group( function ( $q ) use ( $that, $ids ) {
739: $q->or_where( $that->_join['child'], $ids );
740: } );
742: $this->_apply_where( $stmt );
744: $stmt->exec();
745: }
746: }
749: /**
750: * Validate input data
751: *
752: * @param array $errors Errors array
753: * @param Editor $editor Editor instance
754: * @param string[] $data Data to validate
755: * @param string $action `create` or `edit`
756: * @internal
757: */
758: public function validate ( &$errors, $editor, $data, $action )
759: {
760: if ( ! $this->_set && ! isset($data[$this->_name.'-many-count']) ) {
761: return;
762: }
764: $this->_prep( $editor );
766: $joinData = isset($data[$this->_name]) ?
767: $data[$this->_name] :
768: [];
770: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_validators) ; $i++ ) {
771: $validator = $this->_validators[$i];
772: $fn = $validator['fn'];
773: $res = $fn( $editor, $action, $joinData );
775: if ( is_string($res) ) {
776: $errors[] = array(
777: "name" => $validator['fieldName'],
778: "status" => $res
779: );
780: }
781: }
783: if ( $this->_type === 'object' ) {
784: $this->_validateFields( $errors, $editor, $joinData, $this->_name.'.' );
785: }
786: else {
787: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($joinData) ; $i++ ) {
788: $this->_validateFields( $errors, $editor, $joinData[$i], $this->_name.'[].' );
789: }
790: }
791: }
795: /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
796: * Private methods
797: */
799: /**
800: * Add local WHERE condition to query
801: * @param \DataTables\Database\Query $query Query instance to apply the WHERE conditions to
802: * @private
803: */
804: private function _apply_where ( $query )
805: {
806: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_where) ; $i++ ) {
807: if ( is_callable( $this->_where[$i] ) ) {
808: $this->_where[$i]( $query );
809: }
810: else {
811: $query->where(
812: $this->_where[$i]['key'],
813: $this->_where[$i]['value'],
814: $this->_where[$i]['op']
815: );
816: }
817: }
818: }
821: /**
822: * Create a row.
823: * @param \DataTables\Database $db Database reference to use
824: * @param int $parentId Parent row's primary key value
825: * @param string[] $data Data to be set for the join
826: * @private
827: */
828: private function _insert( $db, $parentId, $data )
829: {
830: if ( isset($this->_join['table']) ) {
831: // Insert keys into the join table
832: $stmt = $db
833: ->query('insert')
834: ->table( $this->_join['table'] )
835: ->set( $this->_join['parent'][1], $parentId )
836: ->set( $this->_join['child'][1], $data[$this->_join['child'][0]] )
837: ->exec();
838: }
839: else {
840: // Insert values into the target table
841: $stmt = $db
842: ->query('insert')
843: ->table( $this->_table )
844: ->set( $this->_join['child'], $parentId );
846: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_fields) ; $i++ ) {
847: $field = $this->_fields[$i];
849: if ( $field->apply( 'set', $data ) ) { // TODO should be create or edit
850: $stmt->set( $field->dbField(), $field->val('set', $data) );
851: }
852: }
854: // If the where condition variables should also be added to the database
855: // Note that `whereSet` is now deprecated
856: if ( $this->_whereSet ) {
857: for ( $i=0, $ien=count($this->_where) ; $i<$ien ; $i++ ) {
858: if ( ! is_callable( $this->_where[$i] ) ) {
859: $stmt->set( $this->_where[$i]['key'], $this->_where[$i]['value'] );
860: }
861: }
862: }
864: $stmt->exec();
865: }
866: }
869: /**
870: * Prepare the instance to be run.
871: *
872: * @param Editor $editor Editor instance
873: * @private
874: */
875: private function _prep ( $editor )
876: {
877: $links = $this->_links;
879: // Were links used to configure this instance - if so, we need to
880: // back them onto the join array
881: if ( $this->_join['parent'] === null && count($links) ) {
882: $editorTable = $editor->table();
883: $editorTable = $editorTable[0];
884: $joinTable = $this->table();
885: if ( strpos($editorTable, ' as ') !== false ) {
886: $arr = explode(' as ', $editorTable);
887: $editorTable = $arr[0];
888: $this->_aliasParentTable = $arr[1];
889: }
891: if ( $this->_aliasParentTable ) {
892: $editorTable = $this->_aliasParentTable;
893: }
895: if ( count( $links ) === 2 ) {
896: // No link table
897: $f1 = explode( '.', $links[0] );
898: $f2 = explode( '.', $links[1] );
900: if ( $f1[0] === $editorTable ) {
901: $this->_join['parent'] = $f1[1];
902: $this->_join['child'] = $f2[1];
903: }
904: else {
905: $this->_join['parent'] = $f2[1];
906: $this->_join['child'] = $f1[1];
907: }
908: }
909: else {
910: // Link table
911: $f1 = explode( '.', $links[0] );
912: $f2 = explode( '.', $links[1] );
913: $f3 = explode( '.', $links[2] );
914: $f4 = explode( '.', $links[3] );
916: // Discover the name of the link table
917: if ( $f1[0] !== $editorTable && $f1[0] !== $joinTable ) {
918: $this->_join['table'] = $f1[0];
919: }
920: else if ( $f2[0] !== $editorTable && $f2[0] !== $joinTable ) {
921: $this->_join['table'] = $f2[0];
922: }
923: else if ( $f3[0] !== $editorTable && $f3[0] !== $joinTable ) {
924: $this->_join['table'] = $f3[0];
925: }
926: else {
927: $this->_join['table'] = $f4[0];
928: }
930: $this->_join['parent'] = array( $f1[1], $f2[1] );
931: $this->_join['child'] = array( $f3[1], $f4[1] );
932: }
933: }
934: }
937: /**
938: * Update a row.
939: * @param \DataTables\Database $db Database reference to use
940: * @param int $parentId Parent row's primary key value
941: * @param string[] $data Data to be set for the join
942: * @private
943: */
944: private function _update_row ( $db, $parentId, $data )
945: {
946: if ( isset($this->_join['table']) ) {
947: // Got a link table, just insert the pkey references
948: $db->push(
949: $this->_join['table'],
950: array(
951: $this->_join['parent'][1] => $parentId,
952: $this->_join['child'][1] => $data[$this->_join['child'][0]]
953: ),
954: array(
955: $this->_join['parent'][1] => $parentId
956: )
957: );
958: }
959: else {
960: // No link table, just a direct reference
961: $set = array(
962: $this->_join['child'] => $parentId
963: );
965: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_fields) ; $i++ ) {
966: $field = $this->_fields[$i];
968: if ( $field->apply( 'set', $data ) ) {
969: $set[ $field->dbField() ] = $field->val('set', $data);
970: }
971: }
973: // Add WHERE conditions
974: $where = array($this->_join['child'] => $parentId);
975: for ( $i=0, $ien=count($this->_where) ; $i<$ien ; $i++ ) {
976: $where[ $this->_where[$i]['key'] ] = $this->_where[$i]['value'];
978: // Is there any point in this? Is there any harm?
979: // Note that `whereSet` is now deprecated
980: if ( $this->_whereSet ) {
981: if ( ! is_callable( $this->_where[$i] ) ) {
982: $set[ $this->_where[$i]['key'] ] = $this->_where[$i]['value'];
983: }
984: }
985: }
987: $db->push( $this->_table, $set, $where );
988: }
989: }
992: /**
993: * Create an SQL string from the fields that this instance knows about for
994: * using in queries
995: * @param string $direction Direction: 'get' or 'set'.
996: * @returns array Fields to include
997: * @private
998: */
999: private function _fields ( $direction )
1000: {
1001: $fields = array();
1003: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_fields) ; $i++ ) {
1004: $field = $this->_fields[$i];
1006: if ( $field->apply( $direction, null ) ) {
1007: if ( strpos( $field->dbField() , "." ) === false ) {
1008: $fields[] = $this->_table.'.'.$field->dbField() ." as ".$field->dbField();;
1009: }
1010: else {
1011: $fields[] = $field->dbField();// ." as ".$field->dbField();
1012: }
1013: }
1014: }
1016: return $fields;
1017: }
1020: /**
1021: * Validate input data
1022: *
1023: * @param array $errors Errors array
1024: * @param Editor $editor Editor instance
1025: * @param string[] $data Data to validate
1026: * @param string $prefix Field error prefix for client-side to show the
1027: * error message on the appropriate field
1028: * @internal
1029: */
1030: private function _validateFields ( &$errors, $editor, $data, $prefix )
1031: {
1032: for ( $i=0 ; $i<count($this->_fields) ; $i++ ) {
1033: $field = $this->_fields[$i];
1034: $validation = $field->validate( $data, $editor );
1036: if ( $validation !== true ) {
1037: $errors[] = array(
1038: "name" => $prefix.$field->name(),
1039: "status" => $validation
1040: );
1041: }
1042: }
1043: }
1044: }